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Messages from Juneteenth Date Choice

This week, following recent national events, Albany Mayor Kathy Sheehan designated JuneteenthDay as an official city holiday. Here’s what intrigues & inspires me about the designation of specifically this day of Juneteenth to commemorate the abolishment of slavery in the
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FB Live: Scouting Spots at UAlbany

The Torah portion of Shelach tells the story of the twelve spies/scouts sent ahead to check out the land of Canaan/Israel before the Jewish people entered the land. In that spirit, we’re doing one week of Facebook Live at 6 … Read the rest

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FB Live: The Light Metaphor

The Torah Parsha Behaaalotecha begins with lighting the Menorah, literally “raising up the lights”. In that spirit we did 6 short segments on Facebook Live about light as a metaphor in Jewish thought and practice. 

(1) Raise up the lights! Read the rest

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Re: ReOpening, a Letter from Capital Chabad May 2020

This last week in May 2020 pre-Shavuot letter is from our regional Chabad-Lubavitch office:

Dear participants of our Capital District Communities,

Many weeks have passed since we began sheltering in place. Although physically isolated from one another, we remain spiritually … Read the rest

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“Archways in Torah” booklet for download

This year for Shavuot we asked students and alumni to submit Torah insights and inspiration to share with others for Shavuot. Here it is, titled “Archways in Torah!” 

Click here to view or print “Archways in Torah – Shavuot 5780/2020” Read the rest

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FB Live about Shavuot

We’re doing 5 Facebook Live segments on Sunday thru Thursday leading up to Shavuot 5780/2020, the festival of the Giving of the Torah. 

(1) Intro to Shavuot: its timing, the leadup to the holiday, names of the holiday, basic observances Read the rest

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FB Live on Jerusalem

Here’s a short series of Facebook Live videos about Jerusalem – as we approach Jerusalem Day, 5780 / 2020, the day of Jerusalem’s Reunification during the Six Day War. 

(1) Jerusalem Shout-Out on Yom Kippur, Pesach Seder, the daily Amidah Read the rest

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FB Live about Lag BaOmer

We’re going to do a one-week series of FB Live’s about the festive Lag BaOmer holiday and its two main characters/heroes: Rabbi Akiva and Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai.

(1) What did Rabbi Shimon do in the cave? And what can Read the rest

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FB Live Pesach Sheini – 2nd Passover

Here’s a small series of FB Live videos on the observance, history, meaning and relevance of Pesach Sheini, the 2nd Passover, one month after the first and regular Passover.

(1) Pesach Sheini and the French-Toast Metaphor

(2) The Biblical History Read the rest

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Coronavirus’ Negative Connotations

This post is NOT about the virus itself. It is not about the health impacts, the tremendous grief and loss, or even the financial hardship and devastation it leaves in its wake. It’s not about the far-reaching policies and difficult Read the rest
