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Recaps of COC Israel Kinus Trip

Mendel is back from a week in Israel, so much to share!
In short, the Chabad on Campus Kinus conference took them to visit Sderot and Nova, the Sheba Hospital, dance with troops in Leshem, and at
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The Way Home from Israel – End of the Trip


I was running too late to take the train to Ben-Gurion Airport so we ordered a “Gett” (Uber in Israel) taxi. This taxi driver was vocal and passionate, and angry at the Israeli government for endangering its … Read the rest

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Israel Extension Day 3

Wednesday was going to be my last day in Israel on this memorable trip of 5784/2024. It started with the Chabad on Campus Kinus Conference, Wednesday through Sunday, and then I extended for a few more days to see alumni … Read the rest

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Israel Extension Day 2

We slept Monday night at alumnus Chaim’s house in Beit Shemesh A. Chaim has a ritual of getting up super early to study and then daven at Neitz (sunrise) but as much as I wanted to join him at his … Read the rest

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Israel Extension Day 1

The Chabad on Campus Kinus conference of 5784/2024 ended with a closing banquet on Sunday night, climaxing 5 days of bus trips, visits, talks, meals and farbrengens. I (Mendel speaking here) stayed on a few extra days to savor a … Read the rest

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Campus Kinus Israel – Day 5

Day 5 was Sunday, the last day of the Chabad on Campus 5784/2024 Kinus Conference in Israel.

Shacharit prayers, the last Israeli breakfast in the hotel, packing up and checking out, before loading the buses for a trip southeast of … Read the rest

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Campus Kinus Israel – Day 4

Day 4 of the Chabad on Campus Kinus in Israel  (5784/2024) was Shabbos Day and Sat Night. We’ll start with recapping Shabbos Day and then the Motzai Shabbat recap below it…


On Shabbos morning there were two Chassidus … Read the rest

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Campus Kinus Israel – Day 3

Day 3 of the 5784/2024 Chabad on Campus Kinus in Israel is Friday, a shorter day and a big part of it will be our visit to the Kotel and Old City and celebrating Kabalat Shabbat there before walking back … Read the rest

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Campus Kinus Israel – Day 2

Thursday, July 11th was the 2nd day of the Chabad on Campus Kinus conference for Shluchim 5784/2024,

Let’s just start with the Israeli Breakfast, a sumptuous feast, at least in this hotel, with quite a number of different serving stations, … Read the rest

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Campus Kinus Israel – Day 1

The first day at the Chabad on Campus Kinus in Israel started just as soon as we landed basically, so not on much sleep. Ben Gurion Airport seemed kind of quiet but full of welcoming signs and slogans, some quite … Read the rest
