It so happens that the daily study-cycle of #1ChapterRambam completed the Book of Acquisitions, unit on Servants/Slavery, on the very same day that Elon Musk is said to have sent the demanding “hardcore” letter to remaining not-yet-fired employees at Twitter … Read the rest
...The last Mishna in “HaBayit v’Aliyah” the 10th chapter (all about upstairs and downstairs apartments) of Talmud tractate Bava Metziah is the case of the upper and lower garden:
The case of an higher and lower garden that are owned … Read the rest
...One of our techniques to keeping Simchas Torah dancing going strong in a college campus Chabad House for 3+ or close to 4 hours is to diversify and change things up.
Simchas Torah is a time for fast lively songs, … Read the rest
...Talk in the Sukkah this 5783/2022 found it way back to the viral “Yerushalayim” (Jerusalem) Song by MBC – Miami Boys Choir, that exploded all over TikTok. As we posted earlier, shared on Yom-Kippur, that while this song popularized Jerusalem … Read the rest Moshe Rubin
This Sukkot holiday I was reading some of Yanki Tauber’s “Inside Time” trilogy set on Jewish holidays and came across this story of the Alter Rebbe, Rabbi Schneur Zalman of Liadi, founder of Chabad Chassidus, that I … Read the rest
...As you can see the table-cards for Friday Night in the Sukkah 5783/2022 are printed on two separate sheets of paper, instead of the double-sided table-cards they are supposed to be. That’s because we were rushing to get them ready … Read the rest Rabbi Moshe Denburg
This idea isn’t Sukkot related, but it so happens that the long Sukkot holiday up here away from my Yeshiva work obligations in Florida is a good time for me to catch up on some of … Read the rest
...This Sukkot 5783/2022 we had occasion to discuss pumpkin theft or as others called it pumpkin liberation, so this old (1975) Berenstain Bears classic of “The Bear Detectives and the Case of the Missing Pumpkin”. (Please note: There are other … Read the rest
...In the hours leading up to Sukkot this 5783/2022 I saw a tweet by Rabbi Yossi Mandel sharing a talk by the Friediker Rebbe, R’ Yosef Yitzchak Schneeerson, back from Poland 1933 about the dynamic of a Sukkah’s walls vs. … Read the rest
...We’ve shared a lot in the Shabbos House Sukkah over the years, some of it is Sukkot specific, some had broader inspirational messages. We’ll try to collect here a spectrum sampling of Sukkah and Lulav & Etrog messages. We’ll add … Read the rest