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The Hot & Cold of Apple

Apple dipped in honey is one of Rosh Hashanah’s best-known and most beloved customs. Much has been said about honey, as it represents our wish and prayer for a sweet new year, but what about the apple? That got me thinking, … Read the rest

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Rosh Hashanah Tweets

See below for a series of Rabbi Mendel’s tweets in several categories: Rosh Hashanah, Shofar, Machzor General and Machzor Specific. They are bite-sized tidbits, most should be self-understood. 


“Inscribed & Sealed for a Good Year!” Think of email’s … Read the rest

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Responsibility without Guilt

At the end of Parshat Shoftim it talks about “Eglah Arufah” a ceremony that a community does when a person is found dead or killed near their town. The idea is that the community does some soul-searching whether they were … Read the rest

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The Headphone Jack in the Bible

Apple made big waves this week when they announced that they will be removing the ubiquitous and universal headphone jack from their newest iphones and replacing it with their proprietary “Lightning” port.

Without getting into the pros and cons of such an audacious … Read the rest

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The Elul Audit

by Rabbi Yossi Paltiel of InsideChassidus.org

Elul, the month leading up to the High Holidays, is a time of heightened spiritual awareness and introspection. There was once a group of Rabbis (non-Chassidic) who wished to capitalize on this heightened sense … Read the rest

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Brown Bear Brown Bear What Do You See?

So many of you know this classic picture book for young children by Bill Martin and Eric Carle. It’s one of those board books that nearly everyone has read, and some have dog-eared worn copies.

When the Brown Bear is … Read the rest

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Easy for Moses

“And now People of Israel, what does G-d ask of you – only to fear Him!”

This is a verse in Parshat Eikev. Moshe is speaking to the Jewish people, telling them that G-d isn’t asking much, all G-d asks … Read the rest

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The I in Comfort

Usually, we begin the new semester and academic calendar in the Hebrew month of Elul or very close to Rosh Hashanah. The Jewish New Year and preparations leading up to it and all the associated themes (including King in the … Read the rest

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Two Friday Shabbat Shaloms

This first Friday in August 2016 we were on the phone with customer service at a utility provider, one of those long calls that were actually helpful. Towards the end of the call, the knowledgeable and thorough company representative at … Read the rest
