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TGI-Shabbat, Not Take For Granted!

 The flyer for Shabbat utilized the TGIF-theme, and we shared how grateful we are for Shabbat, not only as an observance but also as a tremendous opportunity for communal support and connection especially in times like these. This is … Read the rest

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The Shelter Dilemma – Know Your Ark and the way there!

Our daughter is studying in Israel this year. What a year! She had a dilemma this week.

She’s up in Israel’s north. Her seminary’s housing arrangement is apartments in a large housing project complex. So they live alongside regular families. … Read the rest

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A few days after Simchat Torah, October 2023

It’s a few days in now. It feels like weeks since we got word on the Simchas Torah holiday of the devastating Hamas attacks in Israel and learned more of its barbaric gruesomeness each day. In an earlier initial post Read the rest

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Simchat Torah 2023 News from Israel

Each year we always share the message that we in the diaspora have custom to dance Hakafot on Shemini-Atzeret night in solidarity with Israel, and they dance (Sheniyot) with us on our Simchas Torah (when their one-day holiday ends) – … Read the rest

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Esther Miriam’s “Bucket List” Project

by Esther Miriam (speech said at her Bas-Mitzvah celebration, Sukkot 5784/2023 explaining her Bas-Mitzvah “Bucket-List” project): 

Since I was young I had all these ideas of things I wanted to do. I like fun and adventure and trying new things. … Read the rest

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Keli Atah – and Esty (Rubin) Cohen

About the Alter Rebbe’s song “Keli Atah” & my sister Esty (Rubin) Cohen obm.

Tonight, after first two days of the Sukkot holiday, we hosted the annual communal Musical Night in the Sukkah in memory of my sister Esty (Rubin) … Read the rest

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YK: Our Yom Kippur “Open Door” Appeal 5784/2023

Each year at the close of Neilah, the 5th and final prayer service of Yom Kippur, we do a “Yom Kippur Appeal”. Unlike most synagogues, this isn’t an appeal for money and charitable contributions, but an appeal for a special … Read the rest

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The Missing F-35 Fighter Jet

Something incredibly bizarre and the source of much intense investigation happened this week leading up to Yom Kippur 2023:

A US Marine pilot ejected from an F-35 fighter jet flying over the Carolinas. Some emergency or mishap. Some say he … Read the rest

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How Often Do You Think of the Roman Empire?

Wow, this unusual question got online traction! And some of the answers from men were quite surprising! All this during the high holiday season of 2023, gotta be a message therein!


Jewishly, we certainly … Read the rest
