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The Comforting Haftorah Sequence

The middle of summer commemorates the destruction of the Beit HaMikdash (Jerusalem Temple) on Tisha B’Av (the 9th of Av) but then turns into a season of comfort, of reassurance, of support, encouragement and uplift. Most aren’t depressed about going to … Read the rest

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A Shema Yisrael (Hear O’ Israel) Collection

This post started off as tweets about the #Shema…

Before getting carried away with more depth and inner meaning of the #Shema, here’s a link to basic key “ten facts every Jew should know about #Shema” from @chabad. 

(1) #Shema … Read the rest

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Tidbits about the Temple

Tisha B’Av is the saddest date of the Jewish calendar when we mourn the destruction of the first and second Jerusalem Temples, known in Hebrew as the Beit HaMikdash, and yearn and hope for the rebuilding of the third Temple … Read the rest

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#ThaiCaveRescue Lessons

For several days this July 2018, many all over the world were glued to the story of a Thai teen soccer team and their coach trapped behind rising water and depleting oxygen deep inside the Tham Luang cave complex and … Read the rest

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From/For Parsha Chukat 2018

As we enter the Torah portion of Chukat (or Chukas) in 2018, below are some Parsha thoughts (in no particular order) that you might find relevant in one way or another. Most of these originated as tweets. 

(1) Two great … Read the rest

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Thinking of Jewish Holidays as Appointments

One of the ways Torah describes the Jewish holidays is with the word “Moed” which means a set or appointed time. So, think appointments! We all have appointments in our lives. Doctors and dentists, professors and therapists, meeting a friend … Read the rest

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Cinco de Neshamo

This Shabbat falls on May 5th, celebrated by many as Cinco de Mayo, commemorating a great battle of the Mexicans against the French, and generally observed today as a celebration of all things Mexican. We did go with Mexican flag … Read the rest

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Teen View, Parents View

by Mr. Rosen, a visiting parent

One of the interesting things about reading the Torah portion every year is that over the passage of time (and our own growth and life’s experiences) we see it anew, in a different lens, … Read the rest

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Baby Alfie and the John Kass Column

The Baby Alfie story and health care controversy in England was big news this week. It’s a great discussion on its own about parental rights and healthcare decisions, and how society views life altogether, but that’s a subject for a … Read the rest

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In between the fuel and the flame

Why is it that (external winds aside) flames always burn upwards? And why do they flicker or dance? 

Both Science and Chassidus each have their explanations: 

Science explains that hot air is less dense than cold air, and as the … Read the rest
