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Shvil Yisrael – the Israel Trail

by Dudi B.A.

As tonight is Israeli night in the Sukkah, I’d like to share one of my most memorable Israel experiences as an Israeli, and that is the trail that runs the entire length of Israel, known as Shvil … Read the rest

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Meatballs & Spaghetti = Lulav in a Sukkah

What’s the comparison here? What does one have to do with the other?

The answer is based on some Chassidus about “Makkif vs. Pnimi”. Makkif surrounds us, it is above us and around us, but not necessarily something we internalize … Read the rest

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Shrek’s Onion + Dr. Who’s Tardis + VR Glasses = Sukkah?

Here are 3 items you’re probably familiar with, that can shed some light on the inner meaning and desired impact of a Sukkah, that outdoor hut or booth we cover with cut vegetation (like evergreen branches, bamboo mats etc) and … Read the rest

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Clark Kent & Superman Judaism, Our Yom Kippur Appeal

For this year’s (5778/2017) Yom Kippur “appeal” we’re going to focus on the last line of the Yom Kippur prayer, said aloud seven times before the very last Kaddish and the Shofar Blast. The Shema is the best-known line on … Read the rest

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Yom Kippur Machzor Tweets

Most Rabbis prepare #YomKippur sermons, I prefer verbal tweets (instead or in addition) sprinkled throughout the prayer service. The tweets below are all 140 characters or less, so they are short, sweet and to the point. Some of them are by … Read the rest

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3 Yom Kippur Memories by Rebbe’s Mother Rebbetzin Chana

In Chabad, Rebbetzin Chana refers to the Rebbe’s mother, Chana Schneersohn, wife of Rabbi Levi Yitzchak, who passed away in New York on the 6th of Tishrei 5725/1964. Her memoirs, which focus primarily on the years leading to her husband’s Read the rest

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Two Shmuel Munkis Stories – and What We’re Praying For

This Rosh Hashanah as we spend much of the day in prayer, there’s some question or debate about what ought to be the focus of our prayers: Should our focus be physical or spiritual? Perhaps these two stories about a Read the rest

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Crispy Apples & The Crispness Factor for Rosh Hashanah

Apples and Honey are a beloved Rosh Hashanah (Jewish New Year) treat, tradition and theme. Everyone knows the reason for the honey – so that our new year should be sweet. But why apples? 

Last year we explained that it … Read the rest

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A Simple New Year Wish

I was certain that I posted this story a few years ago, but it won’t come up in a search. It is certainly worthy and valuable to share again.

A few years ago, we were driving to or from NYC … Read the rest

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Prayer is like War

The Zohar says: שעת צלותא שעת קרבא  – the time of Prayer is a time of war. This is oft-quoted in Chabad Chassidus.

Texts aside, why would YOU consider prayer to be a time of war?  

We asked … Read the rest
