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FB Live on Tehillim/Psalms

Many are saying more Psalms (Tehillim in Hebrew) these days, in prayer for those who are sick or in general for the situation. We got a number of questions about Tehillim so thought it useful to address it in a … Read the rest

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FB Live Series on Mezuzah

Here are links to our Facebook Live series on Mezuzah, suggested by an alum during this #stayhome period because of Coronavirus / Covid-19, and Mezuzah is a home Mitzvah. Most “episodes” are approx 10 minutes or so. 

(1) A little Read the rest

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Parable of the Deaf Musician

This fictitious parable is an expansion I developed on the “Aha!” parable about Moshiach told by the Tzemach Tzedek (3rd Rebbe of Chabad). The expansion helps illustrate the struggle and effect of our work now during Galus and its connection … Read the rest

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7th and 8th Days of Passover

While the first days of Passover celebrate the Exodus from Egypt, the 7th and 8th days of the holiday each have distinct commemorations and messages of their own. We’re sharing some links below, mostly from within our own website (but … Read the rest

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Alone or Lonely?

by Rabbi Israel Rubin

Mendel’s father (Rabbi Yisroel Rubin) shared this simple but marvelous comparison insight as a preparation for the Shabbat before Passover 2020 during Coronavirus. Obviously some of us are facing very real medical or other very challenging … Read the rest

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DIY Passover Seder Links and Resources

As many will be hosting their own Passover Seders this year for the first time, we’ve been doing Haggadah Insights over Facebook Live, and a Torah-Tuesday Model Seder to help students, alumni and parents be better prepared. 

Remember: the … Read the rest

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Our Haggadah Insights on Facebook Live

In the 2 weeks leading up to Passover 2020 with students away and many students, alumni and parents all eager to learn more about Passover, as some are doing their own Seders for the first time, we did a series … Read the rest

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Micro Macro, the Puddle & the Sky

Let us share the story and message of these 2 pictures taken yesterday on our social-distancing stay-home walk around the UAlbany campus. The weather has been nice (aside for that very random snowfall, which was nice, too!) and we like … Read the rest

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Thought is Potent & Effective

There’s a 2-word phrase with drastically different interpretations in Talmud vs. Chassidus, but both interpretations have relevance & lessons to our current Coronavirus Covid19 situation.

The phrase is מחשבה מועלת = thought is potent or effective. I grew up with … Read the rest

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Distancing & Loneliness

First a few words about the current importance of social-distancing to mitigate the spread of Coronavirus Covid-19:

We must follow the current recommendations of Social-Distancing to try to stem the tide of this virus. Young people aren’t much of a … Read the rest
