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A Mishna Mitzvah

This Friday was “Yud-Shvat” the 10th of Shvat which is the yartzeit of Rebbe Yosef Yitzchak Schneersohn (1880-1950) who was the 6th Rebbe of Chabad-Lubavitch. He is known as the Rebbe of Mesiras Nefesh (self-sacrifice) because of his fearless dedication … Read the rest

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Optimum Football Inflation

Without getting into the whole #DeflateGate scandal about the deflated footballs in the title game that sent the New England Patriots to the 49th Superbowl, and whether Coach Bill Belichek or QB Tom Brady are responsible, one thing I did … Read the rest

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The Belt, The Sandal & The Stick

At Shabbos Lunch, Rabbi Mendel held up a belt, a sandal and a big wooden stick and asked students if they knew what they were about. A  few guessed that it had something to do with Egyopt but weren’t sure Read the rest

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Bukharian History, a Melody, and a Freshmen Move-In Story

Thanks to to 3 generations of the Inoyatov family we’re celebrating Bukharian Shabbat tonight (the first Shabbat of Spring 2015 at UAlbany, Jan 23rd). I’d like to share three things: (a) a little about Bukhara (2) a Bukharain Chabad melody … Read the rest

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“Atem Shalom” a Bukharian & Chabad Song

“ATEM SHALOM” is a Bukharian Hebrew song (click here for the song played on Chabad.org) that was adopted by Chabad when Reb Refoel Chudaitov, a Bukharian Jew from Samarkand (tirelessly dedicated to the spiritual and physical needs of … Read the rest

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Two Shirts and a Towel

This message was in our “What’s Cooking?” update newsletter for Fall 2014. The shirts and towel may be all gone by the time you read this, but the messages about Shabbos House remain true.


Dear … Read the rest

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2 Reb Nochum Stories: Fork in the Road & The Kotinke

Some of my favorite early Chassidic reading were the stories by Rebbe Yosef Yitzchak (the Previous Lubavitcher Rebbe 1880-1950) in his “Lekutei Diburim” very ably translated into English by Uri Kaploun, remarkably capturing much of the original Yiddish flavor. I … Read the rest

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Answering a Child’s Question

This article was written by a Yeshiva classmate of mine, Rabbi Levi Wolff, who serves today as the spiritual leader of one of Australia’s largest synagogues. I shared the story on Shabbos (as it relates to a verse in the Read the rest

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Miriam’s Long-Term Faith & Vision

Yesterday, as we watched the terror attacks unfold in Paris, including the hostage crisis at the Kosher supermarket, I wrote online “Today we are all Miriam!” for like Miriam watching baby Moshe’s basket through the reeds, we too, feel deeply … Read the rest

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Today we are all Miriam #JeSuisJuif

Today we are all Miriam.

In this week’s Torah portion of Shmos we read how Miriam placed her baby brother Moshe’s basket in the Nile, it floated away out of reach, beyond her control, in a time of crisis and … Read the rest
