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Emor v’Amarta: Like & Share, Favorite & Retweet

like-and-shareThe opening verse of Parsha Emor reads: “Say to the Kohanim, sons of Aaron, and tell them…”

Rashi, in his first commentary on this Torah portion asks: Why does this verse repeat Say AND Tell? In Hebrew its Emor v’AmartaRead the rest

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#RabbiAkiva’s Life & Teaching in Tweet-format

Approaching Lag B’Omer this year, we @shabboshouse (on Twitter) wrote a bunch of tweets (all under 140 characters!) about life and teachings of the great Rabbi Akiva. We once did a whole TorahTues class on this using selections from the Read the rest

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3 Little Lag B’Omer Parade Memories & Lessons

When the Rebbe came to America in 1941, (his father-in-law was the Lubavitcher Rebbe at that time) he found a Judaism that was very much in a defensive mode. Public Jewish displays were rare. One of his first bold innovative … Read the rest

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Why would Holy mean Separate?

You guys know me. In the spirit of Chassidic teaching and perspective I like to view holiness within the lens of life, always seeking integration and synthesis, connection is key, finding G-dliness within the everyday and ordinary.  So it’s a … Read the rest

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Runaway roaming Buffalo – and our Passions

APTUBuffalo&TruckThe big local news this Friday was about a herd of buffalo (technically “American Bison”) who escaped their farm in Castleton NY, swam across the Hudson River, ran across the NYS Thruway, and rampaged through woods and residential areas, before … Read the rest

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Slow cooker Cholent – and Judaism

Many Cholents nowadays are cooked in Crockpots. Now “Crockpot” is actually a brand name (of the Sunbeam company I think) of slow cooker, similar to Kleenex for tissue and Xerox for copy. So whatever you call the brand, Cholent is … Read the rest

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“50 Children” and Aharon’s Silence

In connection with Holocaust Remembrance this week, I had opportunity to see a telling and moving documentary titled “Fifty Children: The Rescue Mission of Mr. and Mrs. Kraus”. This little known story is an important one. See more about the … Read the rest

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Horton, the Rebbe’s Rambam and the Moshiach

HortonHearsAWhoWe asked for a show of hands when we sharing this Horton insight this on the 8th night of Passover, and most students either read the book “Horton Hears a Who” or saw the movie. Some especially enthusiastic students either … Read the rest

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Four Jewish Opinions before the Sea Split

The Medrash says that when the Jews at the Exodus were confronted at the Sea with the Egyptians at their heels, they split up into 4 opinions:

  1. Give up and go back to Egypt.
  2. Fight the Egyptians and win our
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Reveal the Concealed, Splitting the Sea – in our DNA as a people

The 7th of Passover is the annual anniversary of the Splitting of the Sea, that dramatic climax of the Exodus. This is the one of the most famous miracles of all time, and one of the greatest images of the … Read the rest
