When it rains it pours! A double-simcha! May joyous occasions and generous blessings rain down on all of us…
(1) On Friday (May 27th) the day after Lag B’Omer, Mendel’s youngest brother Motti Rubin got engaged to Chana’leh Paltiel of … Read the rest
...Here’s the menu for Persian Shabbat this year, on the Shabbat (Feb 19 2016) just before Purim-Kattan, the mini-Purim in Jewish leap years, one month before the regular Purim.
Many thanks to Justin R. and friends for all the time, … Read the rest
...The weather couldn’t be colder for this year’s Cholent Cookoff, the first deep chill of the season this second weekend of February 2016, but we still had 35+ who came out to taste, enjoy and vote on this year’s Cholent … Read the rest
...That’s it. Winter break flew by! We were away for the first two weekends, Dec 25th in New York with Raizy’s parents and New Years with Rabbi Mendel’s brother Abba up in Saratoga. Then we did the next two weekends … Read the rest
...Here’s our top-ten highlights of Fall semester 2015:
1) SHABBAT 360 has to be the #1 highlight of this Fall semester being the first-ever such attempt at UAlbany, and a packed Campus Center Ballroom celebrating a unified Shabbat in this … Read the rest
...As nearly all students are away on break, we enjoyed a little getaway of our own this late December 2015 weekend. We went down to Brooklyn to enjoy a Shabbos with Raizy’s parents, the Galperins, and 5/8 of our children. … Read the rest
...We usually try to limit our travels during the academic semesters because of all that needs to get done here. But as it happens we’ve been doing a lot of traveling, 5 times in under 15 days this mid-November 2015.… Read the rest
...It’s fun to change things up now and then. So we did a rearrange of the tables for Shabbat of October 30th, Game 3 of the Mets in the World Series 2015, and then replanned the menu around that theme. … Read the rest
This was the first year in many that a nice-sized group came from Albany to the annual Chabad on Campus NYC Shabbaton. It was an amazing weekend with close to 1,000 students from campuses all over the United States and … Read the rest
...The first two holiday days of Sukkot 5776 / 2015 at Shabbos House were very beautiful and memorable. We’ll try to capture some of it here.
It all starts with the SUKKAH BUILDING BBQ. Special thanks to a small … Read the rest