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Homecoming & Family Wknd Shabbat at UAlbany 2013

UAlbany has many events planned for this exciting weekend with returning alumni, visiting parents, sports games and activities and general excitement in the air…

But don’t forget Shabbat! Shabbat is also a “Homecoming” and “Family Weekend” especially at UAlbany where … Read the rest

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Meet Rabbi Guth of Mayanot Jerusalem

Rabbi Guth of the Mayanot Mens and Womens Yeshivot in Jerusalem will be at Shabbos House for Torah-Tuesday on October 8th.

There are significant scholarships available from Chabad on Campus for airfare etc and it might be a marvelous opportunity … Read the rest

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Girls Nite IN!

Jewish Womens’ Connection is now “Girls Nite IN!”

First event of the year will be Monday evening October 7th, 8pm at Shabbos House. Come for a SPA-type night, hair, nails etc. in a comfortable and friendly atmosphere along with a … Read the rest

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Chabad on Campus Winter Break Torah Study Opportunities

Are you interested in doing something meaningful and memorable this winter break? Take advantage of this amazing opportunities to study at a Yeshiva, here or in Israel, opr attend the Snorkel and Study getaway program in Florida (girls only) or … Read the rest

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A4A@A – Action for Addiction at Albany, October (JSAM) 2013

 A4A@A – An Addiction Awareness & Social-Action Program at UAlbany

Each year, during “JSAM” (Jewish Social Action Month) the L’Chaim Jewish student group at UAlbany, affiliated with the Shabbos House Rohr Chabad Jewish Student Center, works on a large-scale social-action … Read the rest

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Sukkah Jam & Late Night Study

It is traditional to stay up late for Torah study on Hoshana Rabba, the final Sukkot weekday before Simchat Torah weekend.

We’ll start with a music Jam as is also customary to be ively and joyous on Sukkot nights, along … Read the rest

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SIMCHAT TORAH 2013 Extended Weekend Schedule

We’re now coming around the bend to the last stretch of the holiday season. With much of Sukkot behind us, we’re now approaching Shmini-Atzeret and Simchat Torah!  It is once again a 3-day holiday weekend, beginning Wed Night Sept 25th … Read the rest

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SUKKOT 2013 Meals & Prayers at Shabbos House


Sukkot is a super special time of the year at Shabbos House with festive meals, atmosphere, warmth and friendship. There’s something about the Sukkah that generates inner atmosphere. It’s also the time of year when the new freshman class … Read the rest

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Midweek: Torah-Tues & Mitzvah Table

The days between Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur are called “10 Days of Repentance” a time for reflection, personal growth and increased good deeds.

Tuesday at 5:45, 7:45 or 8:45pm we are having a class on “Talmud Stories on Teshuvah” … Read the rest

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Yom-Kippur at UAlbany 2013 (+ pre-fast & break-fast)


Friday, September 13, 2013 – Eve of Yom Kippur

4:30-6pm: Pre-Fast by Hillel in the Campus Center
6:40pm: Kol Nidrei and Evening Service at Shabbos House

Sat, September 14th, 2013 – Yom Kippur Read the rest
