It is traditional to stay up late for Torah study on Hoshana Rabba, the final Sukkot weekday before Simchat Torah weekend.

We’ll start with a music Jam as is also customary to be ively and joyous on Sukkot nights, along with soup, teas and bagel pizzas.

At 10pm we will attempt an unusual late night study of two Jewish satire songs onYoutube as much can be learned from them despite the humorous context. The songs are called the aveirah (or sinning song) and the chumrah (or stringency) song.

It’s supposed to be quite cold out, and we do need folks to be well for Simchat Torah coming up – so as of now we’re thinking of doing the food out in the Sukkah, with the jamming and study inside as close as possible to the Sukkah.