This year Homecoming Weekend Fall 2014 falls on the 3-day extended Sukkot holiday weekend. We are excited to welcome any parents, family and alumni up here for the weekend.

Some parents said they are unable to attend this weekend due to the 3-day holiday, so thanks to student and parent interest we are scheduling the Shabbos of November 14 & 15 (Parshat Chayei Sara) as a Parents Weekend for those who’d like to come that weekend.

See our hotels and motels tab on our Visitors Resources page for nearby accommodations. Feel free to contact Shabbos House with any questions or suggestions.


Friday 11/14:

Shabbat Candlelighting: 4:15pm

Possible casual mixer etc between candle-lighting and prayers.

Kabalat Shabbat Prayers: 6pm

Shabbat Dinner: 7pm

Sat 11/15:

Minyan (Parsha Vayera): 10am

Lunch: 12:45pm

Mincha follows Lunch

Maariv & Havdalah: 5:17pm

The Happy-To-Go Event: 6:45-8:15pm (more details soon).

Sunday 11/16:

Minyan & Brunch: 11am