10951427_10203767277159182_822427721_nSharsheret is a relatively new national organization that provides programs, services and promotes awareness of breast cancer in the Jewish community. For several years now Shabbos House has participated in their “Pink Day” to help get the word out about this organization. One year we did a Pink-Shabbat which was featured on Chabad.org, other years we tabled on campus. The unfortunate reality is that Jews of Ashkenasic descent are especially prone to challenges like these. Sharsheret helps provide resources and services geared especially for this community in mind. This year we are pictured in “Chabad Goes Pink” tshirts, originally printed for the Fall 2014 Chabad Team at the Breast Cancer Walk in Washington Park. Special thanks to Ben I. who is very dedicated to making sure that “Pink-Day” is recognized and promoted at UAlbany.