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Q. Is Tree-Planting allowed in Israel during the Shemittah year?

A. I’m not sure of JNF’s policy, but Halacha forbids planting in Israel’s soil during the Shemitta (sabbatical) year. 5768 / 2007-8 (when this question was originally posted) is a Shemmitah year. There are several different ways that observant Jews … Read the rest

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Q. “Ayin-Hora” the evil eye – is it superstition or what?

 A. The concept has basis in classical Jewish sources, but some of its grandmotherly application has a nice dose of superstition to it. I’d say, generally speaking, it’s one third religious lore, a third psychology and another third superstition. It’s … Read the rest

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Q. Do Chabad Rabbis take special storytelling courses?

A. I didn’t. But storytelling and parables are important Chassidic (and generally Jewish) traditions, so it was a big part of our learning experience.… Read the rest

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Q. I’m an osteopath. I heard there is an indestructible bone in the body according to Jewish tradition?

A. It is called the “Luz” bone. According to the Medrash (Kohelet Rabba 12:5) this bone will be used for the resurrection of the dead. One source has the Luz at the base of the spine, and the other has … Read the rest

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Q. How did Pickles become part of the Jewish tradition?

A. There’s no religious significance to the pickle, but you’re right, along with herring, pickles and other pickled products have an important place in our cultural tradition (at least for Jews with Eastern European heritage). Back then in cold countries … Read the rest

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Q. What’s the point of fasting?

A. We don’t do it very often, but the few Jewish fasts a year are a form of personal suffering to better appreciate and relate to what these fast-days represent. And getting away from food for a while helps us … Read the rest

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Q. I’m writing a paper on “Tithing Today”, what can you tell me?

A. Agricultural tithing only applies in the Land of Israel (which is why in Israel they have kosher tithing certification on fruit stores). While voluntary charitable giving is a very popular Jewish phenomenon and exists across the Jewish spectrum, the … Read the rest

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Q. Why does Raizy cover her eyes when lighting the Shabbat candles?

A. Two reasons why all Jewish women lighting candles (not just Raizy) do this:

(1) It solves a Halachic problem. We’re generally supposed to make the blessing BEFORE we do the Mitvzah. But if we do that, it will already … Read the rest

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Q. Why is a “Washing-Cup” needed for the ritual hand-washing?

A. The Temple had a special basin designed for ritual washing (called the KIYOR) and in one of the processes of ritual purification it says “put spring water on it, in a vessel” (Numbers 19:17). There is also a law … Read the rest

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Q. Is there a difference between the morning ritual hand-washing and the one for bread?

A. Yes – in the morning we wash – 2 or 3 times (depending on custom) – alternatively on each hand. While for bread, we wash 2 or 3 times successively, first on the right hand and then on the … Read the rest
