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Q. The lobbies at my apartment complex are decorated in holiday fashion, and they’ve asked me to include an electric, decorative Menorah within their Christian display. Is that where a Menorah belongs?

A. The Mitzvah of Menorah is to publicize the miracle and spread the light. A main lobby with lots of passersby seems like a great place to do it.  Think of how it will fill the hearts of Jews with …

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Q. Looking at the menorah, we light from left to right, correct?

A. We begin by inserting the candles starting on the far-right side of the Menorah, adding a new one towards the left each night. But we always light the newest candle first (on the left) and light it going

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Q. I’m a former UA professor, now teaching at W. – where do you get “Mini-Latkes”?

A. Oh, we got them at our local supermarket – Price Chopper (in their Kosher, holiday freezer section). They are Kineret Brand and are not really home-made style Latkes but kind of mini-tater-tots. Reh

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Q. Do Orthodox people have an official way to determine the exact time of Sunset?

A. Today, scientists do that research. Jewish organizations knowledgeable of these matters get the times for each locale from the US Naval Observatory or other agencies who do the same. Then, using calculati

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Q. What does it mean “where there are no people, be a man”?

A. Of course, there are people around in that quote from Hillel in Ethics of Our Fathers (2:5 or 2:6, depending on your edition). It means if people are not living up to what they should be doing – eve

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Q. Are all Kosher Dill Pickles Kosher?

A. “Kosher Dill” is a flavor, and not a sign of Kashruth. Look for a Kosher symbol to be sure.…

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Q. Why does Raizy cover her eyes when lighting the Shabbat candles?

A. Two reasons why all Jewish women lighting candles (not just Raizy) do this:

(1) It solves a Halachic problem. We’re generally supposed to make the blessing BEFORE we do the Mitvzah. But if we

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Q. How did you get the domain name “Shabbos House”?

A. Easier than you think. Most Chabad Houses on College Campuses are not called Shabbos House, this is a unique name that stuck here at Albany. When we started this website back in 1999 it was out there for

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Q. I noticed in the prayers we call G-d “Our Rock”. Why?

A. Chevy Trucks say “Like a Rock”, and Prudential Insurance advertises using a massive boulder. It symbolizes permanence in a changing world. A indestructible core upon which to depend, and seek

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Q. Where does the word “Chulent” come from?

A.  Could come from the Hebrew sh’lahn, meaning ” it stayed over-night.” Some say it comes from the French chaud lent meaning hot-slow. It refers to the hot stew that