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Q. How do Israeli Banks operate if we can’t charge interest?

A. There’s a document formula known as ‘heter iska’ which converts loans into business type investments, which avoid the interest-loan prohibition. Israeli banks have this option on all types of loan documents. Also there are many hundreds of ‘free-loan-societies’ in … Read the rest

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Q. Who said “I’m in the West, but my Heart is in the East”; & is it about different cultures?

A. Judah HaLevi, famous Jewish Poet, circa 13th century. He lived in Spain, but his heart was in Jerusalem.… Read the rest

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Q. Are archeological digs permitted in the Shmitta year?

A. Once in 7 years, Torah directs us to let the land lie barren in Israel. We don’t plant or harvest that year (which happens to be the Jewish Year 5761/2000, which was the year when this question was first … Read the rest
