A. Not yet. It depends on student interest, which seems to be growing a bit. There have been times when students put together a Minyan once or twice a week in the Hillel Office in Campus Center, but it all depends on student interest and availability. Speak to friends, see who’s interested. It would be wisest to begin small, say one weekday a week, and expand it from there. On Monday thru Friday I teach at the Maimonides school from 8-12am, so I can’t be much help with that, which is why we do the monthly Minyan Bagel Brunches at Shabbos House, which became weekly in 2013-2014 thanks to dedicated student initative. Remember, it takes more than 10 interested students to keep up a daily Minyan. Kids like to sleep late when their first class is at 1pm, not everyone is available every day.